George Washington Carver Middle School Home

Ready For The World


Mar 28

Minimum Day - Dismissal 12:43pm

Time: 8 AM – 12:43 PM

Apr 10

Student & Family Resources Fair

Time: 3:30 PM – 5 PM

Apr 11

Minimum Day - Dismissal 12:43pm

Time: 8 AM – 12:43 PM

Colorful Cheers: Painting!

Time: 10 AM – 11:15 AM

ESL Class

George Washington Carver MS

George Washington Carver MS

George Washington Carver MS

George Washington Carver MS

George Washington Carver MS

George Washington Carver MS

News & Announcements

spring academy

Carver MS Spring Academy - April 14 - 15, 2025

George Washington Carver MS is proud to announce additional days of learning during Spring Break on Monday, April 14th and Tuesday, April 15th from 8:00 am to 12:20 pm! To register for the Spring Academy, complete this form. Space is limited to 20 students per classroom and registration is based on a first come, first served basis. We will confirm student enrollment by email. Students attending will have the chance to delve into essential enriching concepts and receive personalized instruction in reading and math. Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

*Please submit one form for each student you would like to register*

La Escuela Intermedia George Washington Carver se enorgullece en anunciar días adicionales de aprendizaje durante las vacaciones de primavera el lunes 14 de abril y el martes 15 de abril de 8:00 am 12:20 pm. Para inscribirse en la Academia de Primavera, complete este formulario. El espacio es limitado a 20 estudiantes por aula y la inscripción se basa en el orden de llegada. Confirmaremos la inscripción de los estudiantes por correo electrónico. Los estudiantes que asistan tendrán la oportunidad de profundizar en conceptos esenciales enriquecedores y recibir instrucción personalizada en lectura y matemáticas. Se proporcionarán desayuno y almuerzo.

*Por favor, envíe un formulario por cada estudiante que desee registrar.*
Fam Literacy Night

Family Literacy Night - March 27, 2025, 5:00 - 6:30 pm

Join us for an evening filled with the love of literacy, fun activities, dinner and a raffle at the end of the event! ¡Acompañenos a una noche llena del amor por la literatura, actividades divertidas, cena y una rifa al final del evento!

Carver MS - English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) AND School Site Council 2/10/25

George Washington Carver Middle School
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) Election
2/10/25 @ 9:00am
In-person meeting location: Parent Center
Zoom Meeting link: https:lausd.zoom.usi82572523585
Zoom Meeting ID: 825 7252 3585
One Tap Mobile Call 1-213-338-8477

School Site Council
Parent/Legal Guardian and Community Member Election
2/10/25 @ 3:10 pm
In-person meeting location: Parent Center
Zoom Meeting link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 825 7252 3585
George Washington Carver MS hallway

About Us

Welcome to our school's new website, which is designed to have easy-to-access information about our school for students, families and employees. This site is designed to work well on your mobile devices as well as on a computer. Please take a look around, and revisit us soon as we will update the site throughout the school year.
Students with faculty

Our Mission

Carver Middle School provides a nurturing learning environment where everyone can be productive citizens and self-advocates.